Goldfish Swim School 

April 06, 2018

Yes, your baby can start learning how to swim at only 4 months old! Swimming is definitely an important life skill and helps to prevent drowning, but did you know swimming also provides benefits for babies outside the water? It’s true!

Babies, toddlers and older kids benefit from learning different skills in each level offered at Goldfish Swim School, but take note of these other ways your baby will benefit from learning to swim:

1. Better Bath Time

For many babies, bath time is either hit or miss: They either love it or resist the water going near their face. If yours is one of the latter, Goldfish Swim School can help! Our instructors use integrity, compassion and trust to teach babies how to get used to being in the water and have fun, so your kids will in turn love bath time. Parenting win!

2. Increased Appetite

If your little one eats a little bit here and a little bit there, you’re not alone. But if she’s swimming and using all kinds of energy to kick around in the water, she’ll definitely be working up an appetite! Time to break out all those interesting flavors and veggies that she’ll readily gobble up because she’s so hungry.

3. Better Sleeping Routine

You may have read all the baby books out there about getting your baby to sleep, or maybe you haven’t read any —  but because you’re a mom you know that all babies are different and what helps one baby sleep won’t necessarily work for another. However, when your baby is using up her energy in swim class, her little body will naturally want to sleep and rest her body. That’s something to celebrate!

4. Better Balance

Physical therapists often use water therapy exercise to help condition and strengthen muscles as the water provides a gentle resistance. Likewise, babies will experience a similar result by developing stronger arm, leg and core muscles when learning to swim! Plus, swimming uses so many different muscle groups that it can help babies become stronger and more coordinated at a faster rate.

5. Better Motor Development

The movements required in a swim class (like swim strokes and doing a crab walk along the wall)  allow your baby to move in ways not typically done out of the water. And with the benefit of buoyancy in the water, your little goldfish will be able to try new movements that boost motor development.

CLICK HERE to read the full article from our friends at Goldfish Swim School…

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