Warm Up:

1 X 200 Free

1 X 150 (75 Free, 25 Back)

1 X 100 (75 Free, 25 Back)

1 X 50 Back

8 X 25 Kick with Fins

(1-2 Streamline kick on back, 3-4: Zombie Kick*

5-8: Zombie Kick*, with 8lbs Medicine Ball in hands)

8 X 50 Free with Fins and Swimmer’s Snorkel

(Descend 1-4, 5-8)

8 X 25 Breaststroke

Working on Pullout Distance and Technique – 1/2 underwater

12 X 100 Free, Pull with Agility Paddles

1-6 Negative Split

7-12 Short Rest

8 X 25 choice with Fins

(2 with Parachute – Swim Strong, 2 without Parachute – Perfect Technique)

4 X 25 Choice with Fins, Best Average

Try to hold 98-100% speed

200 WD

*Zombie Kick = Kicking on Back with arms in air perpendicular to water