Swimming World

June 10, 2018

Kylie Masse, Olivia Smoliga, Isabelle Stadden, Ali Deloof, Keaton Blovad, Amy Bilquist, Fernanda Gonzalez and Caroline Baldwin all competed in the women’s 50 back knockout on the final day in Santa Clara.

In the Quarterfinals, Masse cruised to victory in 28.12, followed by Smoliga (28.26), Stadden (28.38) and Deloof (28.41).

Blovad (28.42), Bilquist (28.71), Gonzalez (29.05) and Baldwin (29.11) placed fifth through eighth.

In the semis, Smoliga did not waste any time taking the lead. She won the heat in 28.12. Deloof earned the other spot in the final coming in at 28.21. Masse took third in 28.26 while Stadden was fourth in 28.61.

Smoliga, who is the current American Record holder in the event after posting a 27.43 in Mesa, won in 28.02. Deloof was two-tenths behind in 28.22.


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