OMG, you guys! I have a 2 and half-year-old! Mamas know what a difference that half can make. The progress between the age of 2 and 3 is enormous. His vocabulary has grown leaps and bounds. He is starting to form sentences while going from a hand full of words to using over 200-300. He’s engaging with his little brother more and I think he’s finally accepted the fact that he’s not going anywhere.

One of the most recent changes is he’s graduated from level 2 to level 3 at his Aqua-Tots swim class! Level 3 means no more mommy and Daddy in the water with him. He has to be able to take direction, wait his turn and I seriously can’t believe we have gotten to this stage already. It’s taken the last 4 months for him to get used to the lessons and remain relatively calm in the water.


Tips To Improve Toddler Swim Lessons


Getting your child excited for their first swim lessons can be hard at times. Some children naturally love water and others you have to help things along. If you have a child or two and are going to be introducing them to learning to swim you might benefit from these tips below. Once they tackle the fear of swimming they will be begging to head to the pool for a long day of swimming in the warm sun. Here are some helpful tips on how to help your kids to love swimming. 

Mentally Prepare 

When you sign your kid up for swim lessons, that is a perfect time to start mentally preparing them. Let them know about the class they will be taking, how often, and all the things they will learn. Remind them it is just like the bathtub just in a bigger form, so they don’t need to be afraid. Let them know it is a safe environment, and they will have lots of fun with games, activities and more during their lessons. Plus they will have friends all around them who are learning too. You can reach out to where you are going for swim lessons to find out what all they will do. At Aqua-Tots they have a list of things they will work on depending on the age range. Aqua-Tots breaks down the classes to fit ages and levels, so they can really work with each child and give them the success you desire. They have instructors that will work right in line with your child. 

Get Them Excited 

Find fun songs to sing about swimming, talk about it throughout the day, and tell them how fun it will be. Try to get them to see all the positives of it. If they show hesitation or being afraid, share a story of how you were afraid of something, and overcame and it was a great experience…

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