Jazz Carlin, The Guardian

February 24, 2017

Love swimming but bored with ploughing up and down the lanes? Olympian Jazz Carlin has some tips to make your time in the water more profitable

We all have to start somewhere, even if you are a total beginner, so whatever you feel capable of is the first step. Build up your swimming with each session. Each time, you should start to feel a bit stronger in the pool and be able to build up how much you swim.

Remember to start on land – before your training sessions you should activate muscles, and afterwards you should stretch to remobilise.

Make sure you mix it up with different strokes. Swimming is a great whole-body workout because it targets muscles in a way that you can’t replicate in day-to-day life. By mixing up different strokes, it allows you to work on your whole body.

Also try to use different bits of equipment. Fins are a great way to work on leg strength and hand paddles are great for your upper body. By trying out different equipment, you can work on specific parts of the body and then target any weaknesses. Kick, in particular, is always a tough exercise to do, but it is great to focus on your lower body and to strengthen the kick part of your stroke.


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