Apply To Be A Part Of The James Guy Academy
July 16, 2018
Are you a club level swimmer aged between 12-16 years old?
Would you like to be a part of the JG Academy and learn from one of the world’s best swimmers?
Want a small level of funding to help with travel or training costs?
If so, apply for the James Guy Academy now!
Each successful applicant will receive £200 towards training, accommodation and travel costs as well as a host of JG goodies. The JG Academy will meet 2 to 3 times per year to learn from James, both in and out of the pool.
The winners will be selected by James and the JG Academy committee. The successful applicants will be expected to exhibit James’ core values whilst a member of the academy. These values are:
-Hard work
-Willingness to give back to other swimmers and/or community
Applications will need to be received before Friday 31st August 2018. Please send any questions to
Winners can expect to hear by 30th September 2018.
*There will be a maximum of 8 members of the JG Academy during 2018.

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