The Best fins for lap swimming in 2020

Team Athlete Approved,

November 9, 2020

Enhance Your Swimming With Fins

Fins are a must-have for all swimmers! Fins add a ton of value to your training. They help your leg and core muscles, improve your ankle flexibility, and make swimming fun!

There are hundreds of different models, materials, and functions for fins. If you are looking to use a pair of fins, but do not know where to start, then read on.

Our Athlete Approved Team created a guide to the best fins for lap swimming.


The Best Kid’s Fins for Lap Swimming: FINIS Long Floating Fins

Our pick for the best kid’s swim fins are the Finis Long Floating Fins. These fins are a great standard start up fin for children. Swimmers can use these for training and recreationally. They additionally are one of the lowest costing fins on the market.

The Long Floating Fins are designed with a long blade to provide buoyancy and propulsion. These will assist in learning how to kick from the hips instead of the knee. They also float which will help learn proper body alignment.

These fins come in size XXXXS – XXL. They have a color associated for each size which makes it convenient for teams to easily sort shared equipment.


The Best Fitness Building Fins for Lap Swimming: FINIS Zoomers Gold

The Finis Zoomers Gold Fins are designed to make you work hard! These short blade fins are designed to be less propulsive compared to other fins.

These fins are the best to increase your cardiovascular capacity and quickly build leg strength. The short blade also encourages short and fast kicks, which is the proper technique to use when swimming.

Finis Zoomer Gold Fins will easily fit in any swim bag. Reference the sizing chart to determine the correct fit.


The Best Monofin for Lap Swimming: FINIS Foil Monofin

No one does monofins (and snorkels) better than Finis. The Finis Foil Monofin is a light weight monofin that teaches swimmers how to properly kick butterfly.

Underwater butterfly kick is known as the “5th stroke”. A monofin can be used to perfect the even up and down kick thrust needed for an effective kick. The Foil Monofin is designed for technique and strength building. The rubber provides a soft, comfortable, and secure fit.

It is meant for lap swimming, but there is nothing wrong with having fun getting your mermaid on!


The Best Budget Fins for Lap Swimming: FINIS Positive Drive Fins

It is no surprise that Finis makes its fourth appearance on this list. They know swim equipment better than anyone. The Positive Drive Fin is our top budget pick. Do not let the price fool you. This is a great fin for multiple reasons.

The Positive Drive Fin can be used for all four strokes. That includes breaststroke! The ergonomic foot pocket gives it an easy fit. The adjustable heel strap keeps the fin stable. The adjustability of the strap is also great for kids with growing feet.

This fin comes in Finis’ signature yellow and black color.


Why Should You Use Fins for Lap Swimming

Fins build Strength in your leg and core muscles

Similar to how paddles will focus on your upper body strength, fins will focus on your lower body strength. It is healthy to diversify your training by working different parts of the body. Wearing fins will give an extra burn in your legs. Try butterfly kick on your back with fins. It is one of the best core workouts ever.

Fins increase ankle flexibility

Often times new swimmers do not have flexible ankles. Many runners and triathletes also struggle with this. Studies and real life experience within our team have shown that having flexible ankles is more important to kicking than leg strength. If you are that swimmer who kicks and goes nowhere (or even backwards), you likely have poor ankle flexibility. Use fins to increase your range of motion.

Fins help you learn to kick evenly up and down

Too many swimmers focus solely on the down kick. They slowly bring their foot back up only to reload for the next down kick. This kicking method could not be more wrong. Learn to work both the down and up kick with fins to enhance your kicking efficiency.

Fins make swimming fun

Have you ever wanted to feel like you were swimming at world record pace? Put a pair of fins on and go for it. There are few better feelings than the feeling of water rushing by you while you are being propelled by a pair of fins. Swimming can get monotonous if you are doing the same old routine. Adding fins mixes it up and makes it fun!

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