What is the Optimal Rest Time for Swimmers?

Swimming Science

April 23, 2018

Background on Rest Time 

Different rest intervals are given during swimming sets to induce different results. However, the optimal amount of rest is not known. Typically, longer rest allows an athlete to work harder and increase their metabolic system involvement.

The purpose of this study was to compare two different long-sprint training programs with equal total work, but different length recovery (short or long) and to compare the effects of 6 long-sprint training sessions conducted over a two week period on a 300-meter running performance.

What was done

Fourteen trained subjects performed 3 pre-training maximal sprints (50, 100, and 300 meters) and randomly assigned to long rest (LR; 1:20) or short rest (SR; 1:10) group. The recovery for the 150, 200, or 250-meter group was double in the LR compared to the SR. Blood lactate, blood PH, bicarbonate concentration, and excess-base were recorded.


The LR training tends to induce a greater alteration of the acid-base balance. No difference in performance was noted between training groups. Also, no improvement was seen for either group in the 50- and 100-m performance.


CLICK HERE to read the full article from our friends at Swimming Science

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